Integrating Hippo Video (Content)

To integrate Hippo Video as a content provider (to enable you to make its content available within your HelpShelf widget) you will need to set the API Key and your Email Address.

To locate these details, you will need to login to your Hippo Video account. To do this, head to Once logged in, follow the instructions below to locate your API Key and Email

Locating your API Key

Once logged in, your API Key can be found by heading to your Profile Settings. You can do this by clicking the Profile Settings link found in the Account Dropdown menu (top right of the screen) - as shown below. Or if easier, simply head to

On the Profile Settings page, you'll find an API Key section near the bottom of the page. Copy the API Key and enter that into HelpShelf when asked.

Locating your Email Address

There's one other piece of information you need to provide when setting up Hippo Video within HelpShelf - and that's the Email Address that you used to register your Hippo Chat account. If you need a reminder, you can also retrieve this via the Profile Settings page, found at

And that's it! Simply enter those two pieces of information into your HelpShelf account when asked.

You should now be setup :)

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