Integrating Help Scout (Content)

To integrate Help Scout as a content provider (to enable you to make its content available within your HelpShelf widget) you will need to set the Access Token.

Locating your Access Token

Once logged into your Help Scout dashboard, we can locate the Access Token by heading to Your Profile > Authentication > API Keys.

First, click the account dropdown menu (which can be found on the top right of the screen - and usually shows your profile photo) and select the Your Profile item As seen below:

Next, click the Authentication menu item (which can be seen on the left hand side). As per below:

Next, let's click the API Keys menu, as per below:

And finally, you will be shown your Access Token (as highlighted in the screenshot below).

Copy this code and enter that into your HelpShelf setup form in the Access Token field.

You should now be setup :)

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