Integrating Kayako (HelpDesk)

To integrate Kayako as a helpdesk provider (to enable you to provide ticketing and chat capabilities within your HelpShelf widget) you will need to set the Sub Domain.

Locating your Sub Domain

Locating the Sub Domain is quick and easy. Simply login to your Kayako portal. The Sub Domain is the first part of the URL. So for instance, if your Kayako Portal lives at, then the sub domain is example.

Simply enter this value into your HelpShelf setup form in the Sub Domain field.

You should now be setup :)


Please don't forget to remove the original Javascript code you installed on your site for this provider. HelpShelf automatically loads this for you so you don't need to load it manually yourself as well. Doing so will cause issues. If you passed custom settings or user properties to this provider via the original Javascript code and you are not sure whether they will be carried through to your HelpShelf setup, then please contact us.

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